How to use telnet to connect to a switch
How to use telnet to connect to a switch

how to use telnet to connect to a switch

Specifies the IPv6 address of the remote device when the remote Telnet server is of the IPv6 type. To activate the second key, use (config) ip http secure-certificate 2. To generate the second key, replace the number 1 with 2.

how to use telnet to connect to a switch

This system is capable of the generation and storage of 2 certificates. If the Telnet port number has been changed on the Telnet server, you must use the same port number to log in to the server through a client. Note: If SSH or HTTPS is enabled and the disabling of telnet and HTTP is desired, skip to step 3 to disable telnet and step 5 to disable HTTP. The value is an integer that ranges from 1 to 65535, and the default value is 23. Specifies the TCP port number used by the remote device that functions as the Telnet server. Specifies the IP address of the remote device. If no source address is specified, the system will use the IP address of the outbound interface on the local device to initiate a Telnet connection. Users can use the specified IP address to communicate with the Telnet server to ensure security. Specifies the IP address of the local device. Specifies the name of a VPN instance to which the device belongs. Specifies the source interface type and number on the local device. The following table describes the parameters in this command.

  • For an IPv6 server, run the following command: telnet ipv6 ipv6-address.
  • For an IPv4 server, run the following command: telnet.
  • When a Huawei device functions as a Telnet client, you can run the following commands to log in to the Telnet server:

    how to use telnet to connect to a switch

    If the Telnet port number has been changed on the Telnet server, you must use the same port number to log in to the server through a client. In this case, you can change the port number of the TCP connection on the Telnet server and run the following command to change the Telnet port number: telnet server port port-number If this port is occupied, the connection fails to be set up. telnet server enableįor details, see Configuring a User to Log In Through Telnet in Huawei NE40E Product Documentation.īy default, port 23 is used to set up a connection.

  • Set the service mode for login users to Telnet.
  • #How to use telnet to connect to a switch password

    Configure the user name and password for login.The Telnet server must be configured with the user name, password, and service mode (Telnet), and the Telnet service needs to be enabled.

    How to use telnet to connect to a switch